How To Think Long-Term In A Short-Term World


It’s time to trade in shortsightedness for long-term thinking. That’s according to author and philosopher Roman Krznaric, who writes about the power of ideas to change society in his new book The Good Ancestor.

Recorded January 6, 2021

CF Long Term Thinking 1
CF Long Term Thinking 2

Krznaric outlines practical ways we can retrain our brains to think of the long view, including what he calls “Deep-Time Humility” (recognizing our lives as a cosmic eyeblink) and “Cathedral Thinking” (starting projects that will take more than one lifetime to complete). His aim is to widen our focus, to inspire more “time rebels” like Greta Thunberg—to shift our allegiance from this generation to all humanity—in short, to save our planet and our future.

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