How to make meaningful conversation


Discover the art of building a good dialogue! Architect and designer, Fred Dust considers ways to have constructive conversations which are critical to problem-solving in all sorts of different settings from schools, to non-profits and governments.  

Dust’s new book, Making Conversation offers readers a tool kit, outlining 7 essential elements for meaningful conversations.

Constructive conversation is one of humanity’s first and most powerful tools.

Recorded 11/16/2020

CF: How to make meaningful conversations 1
CF: How To Make Meaningful Conversations 2

Dust has designed conversations for all sorts of scenarios from the Aspen Institute to victims of gun violence in Brooklyn.  Dust contends that 7 principles can be applied universally to stimulate conversation.

Dust chairs the board of Parsons School of Design and sits on the board of NPR, the New School and Sundance Institute.

Seth Henderson is from Aspen Institutes’s Better Arguments Project, a new national civic initiative created to help bridge ideological divides and help train Americans to conduct better arguments. He says that arguments don’t have to drive us apart but can bring us together and that the more Americans engage each other, the healthier and stronger our democracy will be.

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