New Year Underway

As another year gets underway, we have the chance to take stock. No matter where you reside on the planet, 2023 was an incredible twelve months to live through. Few could have imagined that the Ukraine war would drag on, that climatic extremes would become so “routine” and that a new chapter of violence in the Middle East would erupt. Sometimes it’s hard to see evidence of human progress – but there is plenty if you look. If in doubt, check these out!

Program analytics and your comments demonstrate that you enjoy our work and that the topics resonate in your lives. We try to cover the issues – good, bad, and ugly – but we also strive to inspire you with some answers so we can all become part of the solution. In return, we invite your participation – beyond the essential work of taking part in our programs and spreading the word, we also need your support in ensuring Cambridge Forum continues to thrive in 2024.  

As we review the past year, it is prudent to count the gifts which grace our good fortune. In the spirit of small things that matter, and knowing many worthy causes vie for your attention, I hope that CF makes your list because we make a difference in your life. We endeavor to produce quality programs designed to enrich & refresh your thinking, and occasionally – change your mind. 

Time and care go into creating Forums that will engage and stimulate heart and mind ever aware that you, the audience, are vital and discerning players in this interactive experiment. So how much is that worth to you – how about $5 a month? You know the answer and we trust you respond with hearty generosity.  

Gratitude and good wishes for 2024!

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GBH Forum Network

Liberty Equality Fashion: The Women Who Styled the French Revolution

LIBERTY EQUALITY FASHION examines how politics, economics, and identity merged during the French Revolution and heralded a new feminism that is ...

Age Of Revolutions

Fareed Zakaria, best-selling author & host of CNN’s flagship international affairs show Fareed Zakaria GPS, will discuss his latest book, ...

What Is Healthcare: Is it a public or personal responsibility?

What is the state of our current health care and how it is changing?  Ask anyone who has fallen off ...

Russia’s New Recklessness

The sudden death of Alexei Navalny, Russia’s opposition leader, coupled with Ukraine’s recent setbacks, America’s political turmoil and the coming ...

A Long Time Coming: The Role Of Race In American History

Ray Anthony Shepard has put together an award-winning book for young readers to counter what he says are "years of ...

SAVING OURSELVES: From Climate Shocks To Climate Action

According to climate researcher Dana R. Fisher, we can no longer wait for governments to pass the laws we need, ...

Is Our Junk Food Addiction Killing Us?

We know that food can be either medicine or toxin; so how do we recognize “junk” food and make better ...

Is The American Century Over?

For the past eight decades, the US has enjoyed unrivalled global power – be it political, economic or military. Is ...

Single-Minded: Can You Live A Happy Satisfied Life, Alone?

Consider the state of singlehood:  Lots of health research indicates that people who live alone, have higher health risks and ...

Crushed Wild Mint: Language Rooted In Landscape

Explore some indigenous thinking mixed with a little magic as Jess Housty shares her debut poetry collection, Crushed Wild Mint ...

Building Bridges To Belonging

Are there simple steps we can all take in our everyday lives to promote empathy, overcome difference and forge lasting ...

Out Of Sight

This forum accompanies two men, Mark Erelli, a musician and Andrew Leland, a writer, on their separate journeys from the ...

Beyond Belief

The effort to destroy facts and make American ungovernable didn’t come out of nowhere.  It is the culmination of seventy ...

Can Local News Fix The Crisis in Democracy?

Simone Stolzoff, journalist and author of The Good Enough Job: Reclaiming Life from Work considers the changing nature of work ...

Living On Borrowed Time

Jeff Goodell's latest book, The Heat will Kill You First looks at the impact that rising temperatures will have on ...


Naomi Klein's new book Doppelganger explores “what it feels like to watch one’s identity slip away in the digital ether, ...

Reclaiming Life From Work

Simone Stolzoff, journalist and author of The Good Enough Job: Reclaiming Life from Work considers the changing nature of work ...

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