Tag Archives: OpenAI

Beauty Or The Beast: The True Cost of ChatGPT?

Recent concerns about the long-term implications of artificial intelligence apps like Chat GPT have prompted journalists, academics and entrepreneurs to seek a temporary halt to the training of AIs saying “AI systems with human-competitive intelligence can pose profound risks to society and humanity.” In this Forum, we consider the direct and also unseen impacts of utilizing a tool that has yet to be regulated or even fully understood.

Gary Marcus, scientist, entrepreneur and author of Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence we can trust is Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Neural Science at NYU and hosts the podcast Humans versus MachinesJane Rosenzweig is Director of the Harvard Writing Center, freelance writer and author of Writing Hacks newsletter.  Wesley Wildman is a Professor of Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics + Computing & Data Sciences at Boston University. Andrew Kimble, Director of Online Lifelong Learning at BU School of Theology, will act as moderator. 

Recorded 4/25/2023

CF – The True Cost of ChatGPT 1
CF -The True Cost of ChatGPT 2

New York Times: The Road to AI We Can Trust

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