Tag Archives: bernie krause

The Soundtrack of the World

Naturalist Bernie Krause has dedicated his life to recording the sounds of wild soundscapes on all seven continents, around the world.  Krause captures sounds ranging from birdsong and the wind in the trees, to the tinier sounds of insects.  Over the past 50 years, Krause has witnessed evidence of multiple environments being radically altered by human influence, and the resultant soundtracks or “biophonies” reflect chaotic alterations due to stress. 

Krause’s current installation, THE GREAT ANIMAL ORCHESTRA has crossed the Atlantic and is now on display at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, where it will remain till spring 2022.

The Great Animal Orchestra is organized by the Peabody Essex Museum and the Fondation Cartier

Krause discusses his animal narratives and explain why he has dedicated his life to this work.  Joining the conversation is Jane Winchell, curator of Natural HIstory at the Peabody Essex Museum and co-curator of the Great Animal Orchestra exhibit at PEM.

Recorded 1/18/2022

Soundtrack of the World 1
Soundtrack of the World 2

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