Tag Archives: consumerism

The Day The World Stops Shopping

What are we willing to give up in order to save the planet?  And what would happen to our economies and our lives if we seriously committed to consuming fewer of the Earth’s resources?  

Recorded 10/20/2021

The Day The World Stops Shopping 1
The Day The World Stops Shopping 2

Canadian author of The Day the World Stops Shopping James MacKinnon is on a mission to get us to buy a lot less stuff but insists that even reducing our consumption by just 5% would make a big difference and we would barely notice the shift. 

J. B. MacKinnon teaches journalism at the University of British Columbia and makes documentaries.  He enjoys exploring the intersection between the wired and wild worlds, and lives in Vancouver, Canada.

Vincent Stanley from Patagonia, co-author of the The Responsible Company will join the conversation.   Stanley affirms that businesses should make useful, long-lasting products in a socially and environmentally responsible way.  What do you think?

Cambridge Forum provides free and open discussions about the pertinent issues and ideas confronting us, in the world today.